Konrad von Finckenstein

Hon. Konrad von Finckenstein practices as a consultant on communications and competition issues and as an arbitrator of Canadian and international business disputes. Prior to establishing his current practice, Konrad von Finckenstein had an extensive government and judicial career.

As the chief commercial counsel of the Canadian Government he led the legal team negotiating inter alia, the bail outs of Chrysler and Massey Ferguson, the establishment of a Bell Helicopter assembly plant for all its civilian copters in Canada, the privatisation of Canadiar and DeHavilland.

Subsequently he became the chief counsel to the Canada US free trade negotiations. In this position he was responsible for negotiating the dispute settlement provisions, drafting and implementing the agreement. He was also responsible for overseeing the drafting and implementing of all legislation, regulations and orders required to give effect to the provisions of NAFTA in Canada.

He was the Commissioner ( CEO) of the Competition Bureau for seven years. During his tenure the Bureau examined the merger of four of Canada’s leading banks (ultimately blocking them) collected the largest fine in Canadian criminal history for price collusion. He also reviewed and approved the merger between Air Canada and Canadian Airlines ensuring that the merger would not lead to a monopoly in the skies.

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