K K Sharma

Mr. KK Sharma is a celebrated author, speaker and consultant. He was the very first Director General of the functional Competition Commission of India (CCI) and a Commissioner of Income Tax.

Mr. Sharma founded KK Sharma Law Offices, covered in the world edition of GCR, in October 2012. He is a Ph.D. fellow in competition law from Bangor University, UK and an alumnus of King’s College, London and the Indian Institute of Technology, a qualified lawyer and holds a Master’s degree in economics.

Mr. Sharma was the first Head of the Merger Control and Antitrust Divisions of CCI and one of the few individual members of the RPP Platform of UNCTAD; he was also on the Global Antitrust Advisory Board of Bloomberg. He travels across the globe to speak at various national and international conferences and has written two books on competition law – one by LexisNexis and the other by Thomson Reuters. He was recently appointed Senior Counsel by the President of India to deal with complex matters of Govt. of India.

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