Jonathan Jacobson

Jonathan Jacobson is Senior Of Counsel in Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati’s New York office. Considered one of the country’s preeminent antitrust litigators and thought leaders, Jonathan has taken a lead role in many high-profile antitrust litigations, investigations, trials, and appeals. He served as the Chair of the ABA’s Section of Antitrust Law from 2017-2018.

Among other noteworthy representations, Jonathan has served as lead counsel for Coca-Cola in several cases, including PepsiCo v. Coca-Cola, a leading monopolization case under Section 2 of the Sherman Act. He also argued the Vitamin C case in the Supreme Court and on remand; led the representation of American Express in United States v. Visa USA; defended Google in the Dreamstime, Digital Advertising, KinderStart, Person, TradeComet, and myTriggers cases; defended Netflix in In re Online DVD Rental Antitrust Litigation, and Live Nation and Clear Channel in Heerwagen, In re Live Concert Antitrust Litigation, and It’s My Party v. Live Nation.

Jonathan was appointed by Congress to serve on the Antitrust Modernization Commission, responsible for reviewing and recommending potential changes to the nation’s antitrust laws. In addition to serving as a past Chair of the ABA’s Section of Antitrust Law, he previously served as an officer, council member, and in several other Antitrust Section positions, including editorial chair of Antitrust Law Developments (6th ed.).

Jonathan was a presenter in the DOJ/FTC 2020 Vertical Merger Guidelines Hearing, the FTC’s 2018 Competition Hearings, the DOJ’s 2018 Roundtable series, the DOJ/FTC Intellectual Property Hearings, the DOJ/FTC Single-Firm Conduct Hearings, the DOJ/FTC Merger Guideline Workshops, the DOJ/FTC Most Favored Nations Clause Workshop, and the DOJ/FTC Conditional Pricing Practices Workshop. He has written or edited numerous articles and books spanning the gamut of antitrust topics, including exclusionary practices, merger enforcement, government and other civil litigation matters, and cartel enforcement. His recent papers include “Acquisitions of ‘Nascent’ Competitors,” The Antitrust Source, August 2020, and “Missing the Forest for the Trees: The Application of Amex in United States v. Sabre,” The Antitrust Source, June 2021.

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