John Asker

John Asker is an expert in antitrust and competition economics. He has testified as an expert witness and served as an economic consultant and advisor to both federal and state regulatory agencies.

Professor Asker conducts research related to antitrust policy, cartel behavior, vertical restraints, auction design, firm-level productivity, and the effects of industry subsidies. He also has expertise at the intersection of financial markets and antitrust.

Professor Asker was retained by counsel for SoftBank and Sprint Corporation in the $26 billion T-Mobile/Sprint merger. The U.S. Department of Justice retained him as a consulting expert to evaluate potential competitive effects of the then-proposed merger between Dow Chemical Co. and DuPont. He served as an expert for the U.S. Federal Communications Commission in the matter of the AT&T–DirecTV merger. He has coauthored several amicus briefs presented before the U.S. Supreme Court and federal appellate courts.

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