Jeremy West

At OECD, Jeremy West researches and writes in-depth analytical papers on competition policy that provide the context for OECD roundtable meetings, which are attended by heads of competition law enforcement agencies from more than 30 leading nations; give speeches, serve on panels, and represent the OECD at competition law conferences and seminars; contribute to multidisciplinary OECD projects.

His previous experiences included being a Trial Attorney, U.S. Dept of Justice, Antitrust Division, July 1997 “ January 2004 (6 years 7 months) where he enforced antitrust laws by investigating mergers and anti-competitive conduct in high technology and financial services industries, ensuring compliance through litigation and negotiation. He was also an Associate at Howrey & Simon from September 1994“ July 1997 (2 years 11 months) where he practiced antitrust law and general commercial litigation.


J.D.,Stanford University Law School

B.A. Economics, Swarthmore College.

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