Ioannis Lianos

Professor Lianos joined UCL as a lecturer in EU and competition law in 2005. Since 2014, he is the professor of Global Competition Law and Public Policy at UCL Faculty of Laws. In Sept. 2019 he was appointed the President of the Hellenic Competition Commission. He is trained in both law and sociology. His current work focuses on the transformation of capitalism by the digital revolution, global value chains, competition law and policy in the digital era, financialisation and competition law, the intersection between economic sociology and regulation, the regulation of technology, in particular blockchain, and the intersection of competition law with data protection and labour regulation. He has also published research on the theory and history of competition law, EU law, in particular the the EU Internal Market, public policy (including impact assessments), utilities regulation, IP law, food law.

He has published extensively books and articles in various languages and leading academic journals. His most recent publications include Competition Law: Analysis, Cases and Materials (OUP, 2019), Regulating Blockchain: Techno-Social and Legal Challenges (OUP, 2019), Reconciling Efficiency and Equity- A Global Challenge for Competition Law? (CUP, 2019), Brands, Competition and IP Law (CUP, 2015), Damages Actions for Competition Law Infringements (OUP, 2015), Competition and the State (SUP, 2014), the two volumes Handbook in European Competition Law (Edward Elgar, 2013), Competition Law and Development (SUP, 2013), The EU after the Treaty of Lisbon (CUP, 2012), Regulating Trade in Services in the EU and the WTO (CUP, 2012). In 2012 he was awarded the Philip Leverhulme prize for his seminal research on economic evidence. He is also a Laureat of the French Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (2005).

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