Huang Yong

Dr. Huang Yong is the Director of the Competition Law Centre of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) and law Professor of UIBE Law School. Currently he is also appointed member of the Expert Advisory Board of the State Council Anti-monopoly Commission.

Professor Huang has specialized in competition law. He publishes articles, papers and books on this subject extensively in Chinese and English. When China began to draft her Anti-Monopoly Law, Professor Huang advised both the government and the lawmakers throughout the entire process. He first served as a member of the Advisory Board for the State Council and later an advisory expert for the Legal Committee of the National People’s Congress, until the law was enacted.

Professor Huang received his LL.B. degree from Peking University, his LL.M. and PhD degrees from the University of International Business & Economics. He was a visiting scholar in the University of Connecticut School of Law from 1996 to 1997.

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