Henry Su

Henry Su has more than 20 years of experience litigating disputes involving antitrust, intellectual property, and technology. His background includes more than six years with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) providing counsel and representation in matters involving government agencies and government relations.

Henry focuses on the factual, legal, and economic details that matter, while never losing sight of the big picture and his clients’ business objectives. He gives each legal problem his personal attention and commitment and takes into account the interests and concerns of all stakeholders. He brings his project management skills to bear, ensuring that each task or assignment is completed properly, timely, and cost-effectively.

During his tenure at the FTC, Henry held several senior positions within the agency. From 2013 to 2015 and for part of 2017, he was a trial lawyer in the Bureau of Competition’s Litigation Group, a specialized unit responsible for litigating anticompetitive merger and conduct cases brought by the FTC. From 2011 to 2013, Henry served as a competition advisor to Commissioner J. Thomas Rosch, providing counsel on antitrust matters and issues calling for Commission vote or input and assisting Commissioner Rosch with the preparation of speeches, interviews, testimony, and other remarks on a broad range of topics pertaining to antitrust, litigation practice, and agency decision-making.

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