Gregory Sidak

J. Gregory Sidak is founder and chairman of Criterion Economics, Inc. Sidak is an expert on antitrust, regulation, patents and intellectual property, FRAND royalties for standard-essential patents, telecommunications, energy, and contractual disputes, and on damages and valuation in complex litigation and international arbitration generally. He has served clients throughout the Americas, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. He has also served as a court-appointed neutral economic expert on damages and liability. Sidak is also a founding editor of the Journal of Competition Law & Economics, the preeminent international journal on antitrust law and economics, which has been published quarterly by the Oxford University Press since 2005.

Sidak studied law and economics at Stanford University and served as Judge Richard Posner’s first law clerk. He formerly was a staff member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers and was deputy general counsel of the Federal Communications Commission. Sidak has previously held academic positions at Yale University, Georgetown University, and the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. His books and articles have been cited by the Supreme Court of the United States, the Supreme Court of Canada, and the European Commission.

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