Fei Deng

Dr. Fei Deng is a partner in Edgeworth’s San Francisco office. She is an expert in the application of microeconomics and econometrics to antitrust litigation and mergers, class actions, intellectual property disputes, and commercial damages cases. Dr. Deng consults with clients on economic issues in these areas, using statistical and econometric tools to gain key insights, presenting results in an easy-to-understand way.

Dr. Deng has substantial experience assisting clients in ITC 337 cases, providing economic analyses of the likely effects of an exclusion order on the public interest, the existence of a domestic industry protected by the asserted patents, and the appropriate bond.

Dr. Deng has consulted extensively for Asia-based clients faced with litigation and commercial disputes in the United States and European Union. Recently, in a price fixing allegation involving major manufacturers of liquid display panels across multiple jurisdictions, Dr. Deng assisted a defendant with damages analysis and data management for both the criminal and civil stages of litigation.

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