Emanuele Giovannetti

Emanuele is currently a Member of the International Telecommunications Union expert academic group on ICTs for Sustainable Development Goals (ICT4SDGs). His research focuses on market power in the Internet and adoption of new technologies. He advised UN Agencies, governments and competition authorities in Europe, Africa and Asia on these themes.

Before joining Anglia Ruskin University, Emanuele was Economic Advisor for the Chief Economist at the Office of Fair Trading, where he drafted the UK contribution to the revision of the EU vertical agreement regulations. He was also Associate Professor in Economics, University of Cape Town and University of Verona. Emanuele also worked for seven years at the University of Cambridge.  When he left he was Senior Research Associate and Project Coordinator of the EU-IST FP7 CoCombine project on the economics of the Internet. Emanuele also lectured in Economics at Churchill College and Trinity College, University of Cambridge

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