David Barth

David Barth has extensive experience working closely with experts and counsel in large, complex litigation involving alleged anticompetitive conduct. Dr. Barth specializes in developing and synthesizing facts, econometric analysis, and economic theory to understand firm behavior and its impact on market outcomes. His case work focuses on analyzing liability in cartel and monopolization cases, examining causation, and estimating damages.

Dr. Barth leads project teams that perform data analysis and review discovery materials, working with counsel and testifying experts through all phases of litigation. He has significant courtroom trial experience focused on distilling complex economic analysis into effective trial exhibits, testimony, cross-examination, and argument. Dr. Barth also provides advice on summary judgment and Daubert motions and responses. For discovery, he identifies strategic priorities, comments on draft requests, supervises internal document review in preparation for depositions, and leads construction of relevant data sets and documents.


Ph.D. and M.A., Economics, Northwestern University.

B.A., Stanford University.

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