Daniela Ampollini

Daniela Ampollini is an experienced litigator specialising in copyright, patents, design, trade marks and internet law. As the head of Trevisan & Cuonzo's office in Parma, Daniela focuses on the food and food technology industries, but has substantial experience working with clients in the pharmaceutical, software, electronics, media and entertainment, press and industrial design sectors, as well as the fashion and textile industry. She also assists the Italian Federation of Chemical Industry in advising chemical companies in the regulatory frame work established by the REACH regulation.

Her professional experience includes:

Representing a Dutch vegetable breeding company in a patent litigation

Representing a worldwide leader in the electronics industry in patent, trade mark and design infringement claims and advising on licensing and related contractual matters

Representing an US-based global provider of digital rights management (DRM) technologies for the video, software and music industries in a patent infringement action

Representing a prominent American fashion house in a trade mark litigation and advising on licensing matters

Advising and acting for a leading German company in the industrial design sector on copyright infringement claims

Representing key international players in the pharmaceutical industry in multi-jurisdictional patent litigations and providing advice on regulatory issues

Advising and acting for a multi-national vacuum cleaner manufacturer on unfair competition and misleading advertising.


European College of Parma (1998)

University of Parma (J.D. 1997)

University of Wales, College of Cardiff (1995).

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