Daniel Levy

Daniel S. Levy specializes in applications of economics and statistics in the study of corporate structures related to industrial organization/antitrust, damages issues, and corporate performance. He has studied economic, statistical, and computing issues in a number of industries, including airlines, environment, oil and gasoline, healthcare, labor markets, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, and high technology markets, among others. Dr. Levy’s work includes detailed analyses and valuations of corporate functions, risks, and assets for international corporations for use in business decision and litigation. He has testified in state and federal court and before government agencies.

Antitrust and Industrial Organization: For antitrust matters, Dr. Levy has studied the ability of collusive agreements to increase prices and has investigated the extent to which primary customers can pass along price increases to secondary customers. His work has focused on basic chemicals and commodities. He has studied international and national market prices for commodities such as citric acid, nickel, vitamins, oil, and gasoline.

Statistics and Sampling: Dr. Levy is expert in numerous statistical and modeling applications and has modeled complex economic and social factors affecting labor, demographic, and market behavior. He has testified about sampling and statistical issues in federal court, presented statistical issues to the Department of Justice, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other government agencies, and served as a court-appointed Expert Arbitrator for the United States Internal Revenue Service.

Dr. Levy has developed and implemented advanced analytical methods for quality control tests for major corporations. For more than a decade, Dr. Levy led a team of economists and statisticians in monthly testing of quality of service for multiple telecommunications companies. He also has performed economic and statistical work in telecommunications, transportation, manufacturing, financial services, mining, oil and gas, consumer durables, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices industries. He has extensive experience in developing statistical methods for practical business applications. Finance and Financial Services: Dr. Levy has worked on a number of cases involving late trading and rapid trading issues and Market Maker trading behavior brought against financial institutions by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Attorney General. He has performed a wide range of event studies for securities valuations for 10B-5 disputes and for general damages. He has estimated damages associated with late and rapid trading. Dr. Levy has also studied the appropriate use of interest rates for use in damages models. He has presented his research in federal court and before government agencies including DOJ, NY-OAG, FCC, and SEC among others. Labor and Employment: Dr. Levy has testified in several important cases as a statistical and economics expert, including in the notable Driscoll, et al. v. Granite Rock Company off-duty meal period litigation.  In that case, Dr. Levy’s testimony about sampling, coding, and statistical matters, such as margin of error and out-of-period projections, provided support for the favorable decision for the Defendant. Dr. Levy’s economic and statistical sampling is used in estimating both damages and liability in wage and hours matters. He is also an expert in analyzing databases critical to FLSA cases, such as time-keeping records, which track hours worked for payroll, and databases that track activities actually performed. Prior to founding Advanced Analytical Consulting Group, Dr. Levy was the National Market Leader of Economic and Statistical Consulting for Deloitte Financial Advisory Services and also served as the Global Leader of Economic Consulting for Arthur Andersen Business Consulting. Before that he held research and consulting positions at Charles River Associates, The RAND Corporation, Needham-Harper Worldwide Advertising, SPSS Inc., and The University of Chicago Computation Center. Dr. Levy received a Ph.D. and an A.B. with Special Honors in Economics from The University of Chicago.

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