Carlos Mena Labarthe

Carlos Mena Labarthe is a partner in the Mexico City office. His practice focuses on antitrust and competition, investigations, and compliance.

Mr. Mena-Labarthe advises and represents clients before governmental authorities and in administrative litigation.

After 10 years in various positions at the Federal Antitrust Commission (COFECE), he currently advises clients regarding all aspects of economic competition in Mexico. Mr. Mena also has experience in coordinating proceedings in different jurisdictions, especially in Latin America.

Prior to joining the Firm in July 2017, Mr. Mena worked for more than ten years at the competition authority, where apart from being the first head of the Investigative Authority, he was General Director of Investigations of Cartels and Head of the Planning, Public Relations, and International Affairs Unit. He worked in the United States Federal Trade Commission and was the representative of Mexico in various international forums, including the OECD, the International Competition Network, and the BRIC countries meetings.

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