Ben Van Rompuy

Ben Van Rompuy is Assistant Professor of Competition Law at the Europa Institute of Leiden Law School. He is also an associate senior researcher at imec-SMIT (Studies on Media, Information, and Telecommunication) and the Institute for European Studies of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

His main research interests lie in the fields of European and comparative competition law and EU internal market law. Ben has particular expertise in the application of European law and competition law in the media and sports sectors. He has published widely in these areas and regularly acts as an advisor and expert witness for media companies, sports associations, athletes, and public authorities.

Before joining the Europa Institute in August 2016, Ben was a senior researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague (2012-2016), where he headed the ASSER International Sports Law Centre. As a recipient of a Francqui Foundation Fellowship of the B.A.E.F., he started his postdoctoral career at the Georgetown University Law Center’s Institute for International Economic Law (2011). During this time, he also served as a consultant in international antitrust for the US Federal Trade Commission. He previously was a visiting scholar at New York University (2009).

Ben holds a doctoral degree in law (2011) and masters' degrees in international and European Law (magna cum laude) and in communication sciences (summa cum laude) from the VUB. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the American Antitrust Institute, editor-in-chief of the Asser International Sports Law book series (Springer), and managing editor of the European Competition and Regulatory Law Review (CoRe).

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