Avishalom Tor

Professor Avishalom Tor’s behavioral-legal research employs theoretical, empirical, and experimental methods in a broad range of studies that revolve around the three major themes of competition and cooperation among individuals and firms; behavioral policy-making; and the methodology of behavioral law and economics. After receiving his doctorate from Harvard Law School in 2003, Tor was a visiting research professor at George Mason University School of Law (2003) and an adviser and consultant to Commissioner Harbour at the Federal Trade Commission on various matters of antitrust law and economics (2003-2006). Before visiting NDLS in 2010 and joining the faculty in 2011, Tor was a senior lecturer and co-director of the Forum on Law and Markets at the University of Haifa Faculty of Law (2004-2010) and a visiting professor at Fordham Law School (2011). Due to the widespread interest in his behavioral-legal research, Tor is frequently invited as a speaker or visiting professor at universities around the world. In just the last few years he was appointed the Max Schmidheiny Foundation Visiting Professor of Entrepreneurship and Risk at the University of St. Gallen (2016), a Global College of Law visiting professor at the Catholic University of Louvain (2017), a visiting professor of law at the University of Lucerne (2017), the inaugural Distinguished Visiting Research Professor at Bucerius Law School (2018), and a global professor of law at the University of Haifa (2015-2020). Most recently, Tor was the first legal scholar to be selected as a distinguished fellow of the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study (2019). Tor teaches in the areas of antitrust, corporate law, law and economics, and behavioral law and economics. In addition to basic courses in these areas, he has taught various advanced courses and seminars, such as “Antitrust, Technology, and Intellectual Property,” “Corporate Governance: Economic Analysis,” and “Markets, Regulation, and Rationality.” His interdisciplinary work has been published in legal, psychological, decision making, and public policy journals, such as the Michigan Law Review, Duke Law Journal, Texas Law Review, Antitrust Law Journal, Psychological Science, Perspective on Psychological Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Behavioural Public Policy, and many others. Tor’s research has won multiple grants and awards, both domestically and abroad, and received extensive coverage from international media outlets, including the Economist, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, U.S. News and World Report, and many others. Tor is also the past secretary and management board member of the European Association of Law and Economics (2008-2014) and a board member of a number of international competition law institutes.

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