Augustine Peter

Mr. Augustine Peter was a Member of the Competition Commission of India, from April 10, 2014, to January 15, 2019. He was also the Economic Adviser in the Commission from 2006-2009 and held the Office of the Director General of the Commission when enforcement started. He has been the spearhead of the advocacy programme of the Commission and has also been involved in the framing of the Commission’s Regulations.

He is a Gold Medallist in MA (Eco) and also holds MSc (Eco) (University of Bradford). He is an expert in Competition law specializing in the areas of Competition, Trade and Investment Policy. He has authored various publications in reputed journals and books on issues related to Competition Policy and Law. 

He has been the Member Secretary to the Chakravarty Committee on Competition Law (1998-99). He has participated in various meetings of the UNCTAD Inter Governmental Group of Experts on Competition Policy and Law, Geneva, and was also elected as its Vice Chairperson in 2003. During that period, He has also participated and contributed to the evolution of the UNCTAD Model Law on Competition. As an officer of the Indian Economic Services (1982), he has looked after various issues related to the WTO Working Group on the “Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy.”

He has also served as the Indian Delegate representing the India Investment Centre, at the UNIDO Investment Promotion Service (IPS) Office in Paris from 1989-1993, promoting investment and technology transfer. He was the lead international consultant to the Government of Nepal and drafted the Industrial and Investment policies during 2002.

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