Arlen Duke

Arlen Duke joined University of Melbourne's Law School as a full-time lecturer in February 2005. Arlen graduated from the University of Melbourne with an LLB (First Class Honours) and a BComm. He has also completed a LLM by coursework at the University of Melbourne (with first class honours awarded in all eight subjects).

Arlen primarily researches in the area of competition law His interest in competition law has led to him publishing articles examining the relevance of efficiencies to merger analysis, the regulation of unilateral anti-competitive conduct, anti-competitive signalling and the difficulties associated with establishing the existence of anti-competitive arrangements by inference, the extraterritorial reach of Australia's competition laws as well as a competition analysis of the music and banking industries. More recently, Arlen has been looking at competition issues raised by parallel import restrictions and his work in this area will be published in forthcoming editions of the Melbourne University Law Review and the Competition and Consumer Law Journal. Arlen (with Dr Rhonda Smith) has also written an article arguing for the simpification of the treatment of agreements under Australia's competition law (forthcoming Competition and Consumer Law Journal) and will make a submission to the root-and-branch review on this issue.

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