Alain De Remes La Brely

Alain De Remes is currently Research Coordinator at the National Public Policy Laboratory at CIDE, a prestigious research center for social sciences in Mexico. From 2015-2016 he was Senior Project Manager at the Interdisciplinary Program for Regulation and Economic Competition at CIDE. During the period September 2012 to January 2015 he worked for the Regional Center of Competition for Latin America as the Executive Director for the project. Previously he worked for almost 4 years as Director of Economic Governance in the Mexico Competitiveness Program funded by USAID and as a civil servant in the Mexican Administration during 8 years. In 2008 he occupied the post of Deputy Director of International Affairs and Special Projects at the Social Development Ministry of Mexico. He was Chief of Staff of the Undersecretary for Legislative Liaison at the Interior Ministry, General Director of Political Analysis at the Office of Public Policy from the Mexican Presidency and Deputy Director of Institutional Analysis at the Interior Ministry. He has been a researcher and associate professor at CIDE and ITAM where currently he teaches two courses: introduction to politics and comparative politics. He holds a BA from social science at ITAM and he is a Ph.D. candidate in Political Science from the University of California San Diego. During his graduate studies he specialized in electoral systems and comparative politics in Latin America.

Focus fields: Public Policy Analysis, Comparative Politics and Governance

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