
It’s far cheaper not to commit the crime then commit it and get caught. So it’s no surprise that the savvier competition authorities spend time and resources on outreach and advocacy. Given a myriad of audiences, however, it’s not easy. There are the obvious public and corporate constituencies, but fellow government agencies are just as important. During this month, we’ll be publishing papers from a variety of authorities describing various ways to educate a diverse audience that may not even understand what “competition policy” is. And many thanks to Danny Sokol for his help designing these issues.

Competition Outreach & Advocacy, Part 1

Tara Isa Koslov, Aug 14, 2012

Competition Advocacy at the Federal Trade Commission: Recent Developments Build on Past Successes

Anticompetitive outcomes sometimes can be mitigated or prevented by encouraging policymakers to ask the right questions. Tara Isa Koslov (U.S. FTC)

Kelly Signs, Aug 13, 2012

Enforcement Plus: The FTC’s Business Education Efforts

With business education, there is no one-size-fits-all formula. Kelly Signs (U.S. FTC)

Fernando Araya, Mario Ybar, Aug 13, 2012

Positioning Competition Policy in Chile: Outreach, Advocacy, and Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Considering different competition outreach and advocacy initiatives taken, it appears that segmenting audiences has been crucial in all of them. Mario Ybar & Fernando Araya (Fiscalia Nacional Economica, Chile)

Arvid Fredenberg, Aug 13, 2012

Ten Years of Pros and Cons Conferences

The 10-year series of Pros and Cons conferences are our success story. Arvid Fredenberg (Swedish Competition Authority)

Taiwan Fair Trade Commission, Aug 13, 2012

Reach Out to a Wide Audience

Conflicts are still mostly resolved through consultation between the FTC and other authorities, a process that the FTC treats as advocacy. (Taiwan Fair Trade Commission)