
In this issue:

Antitrust Antipasto

Emily Clark, Mat Hughes, Denis Waelbroeck, Aug 13, 2009

Selective Distribution and Luxury Goods: The Challenge of the Internet?

Should there be special antitrust considerations for internet retailing?

Jay Himes, Aug 13, 2009

It Ain’t Funny How Time Slips Away: Amnesty Recipient Cooperation in Civil Antitrust Litigation

The DOJ amnesty program for cartel participants was just extended, but only for one year — just how effective is it?

Aug 13, 2009

Outline of the Amendment to the Japanese Antimonopoly Law

Japan recently amended its Antimonopoly Act; here’s what you need to know.

Patrick Harrison, Kristina Nordlander, Aug 13, 2009

Pharmaceutical Patent Settlements A Presumption in Reverse

Does the EU’s suspicion of patent settlement agreements move EU competition law to a position the U.S. courts have abandoned?

Gordon Christian, Wilko van Weert, Aug 13, 2009

Cartel Facilitators Beware AC Treuhand Spurs Competition Authorities into Action

Should cartel facilitators be treated just as if they were actually active in a cartelized industry? The authorities are keeping an ever-closer watch.