Argentina: Government announces “Commercial Loyalty” strategy against monopolies

The Ministry of Domestic Trade of Argentina announced that it will launch a new regime of ‘Commercial Loyalty’ in order to prevent abuse or possible monopolistic behavior by large companies, giving this agency greater powers to sanction anticompetitive conduct and protect consumers.

The measure would bolster the struggle against dominant positions and the consolidation of monopolies. In addition, the Commission for Consumer Defense in congress will soon discuss different projects around the so-called “Shelving Law”, which seeks to control competition and abuse of dominance in supermarkets.

In this regard, the National Commission for the Defense of Competition (CNDC) investigated possible anti-competitive behavior in different markets, giving rise to accusations of dominant positions, such as the Prisma case, and highlighting a reduction of 35% in prices of notebook-type devices due to the introduction of greater competition in the sector.
Full Content: Diario de Cuyo

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