
Apple Receives $6M From Fortnite Maker Following Court Order

Epic Games, the company behind the wildly popular Fortnite game, has paid Apple US$6 million for breaching the company’s App Store guidelines, according to a recent report from Apple Insider.

The payment resulted from a September 10 court ruling following a trial between the two companies, which began in May, as PYMNTS reported. Epic and Apple had battled over Apple’s App Store policies and the question of whether the larger company hampers its competition. Epic had initially indicated that it would appeal the ruling.

Related: Epic Games To Appeal Certain Parts Of Ruling In Apple Case

The fee paid to Apple represents damages stemming from funds generated by Fortnite sales on the App Store after Epic violated Apple’s policies and offered it elsewhere, according to the report.

Friday’s court ruling ordered Apple to loosen some of its rules concerning developers. However, the court found in favor of Apple in nine of 10 counts, allowing Apple to continue charging 15-30% for its in-app payment system.

In 2020, Epic implemented a direct payment option in its Fortnite game. In response, Apple eliminated Fortnite from the App Store.

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