Apple & Amazon Must Face US Antitrust Lawsuit Over Pricing

A consumer antitrust lawsuit against Apple and Amazon has been ruled to proceed in US court by a federal judge in Seattle. The lawsuit claims that the two tech companies worked together to raise the prices of iPhones and iPads sold on Amazon’s e-commerce platform.

A legal dispute has arisen between two companies due to the ruling of US District Judge John Coughenour. The judge denied their requests to dismiss the case and declared that a jury should determine the “validity” of the relevant market, which is essential to the antitrust litigation filed in November.

Reuters reports that as a result of the ruling, the case will now move forward to evidence-gathering and pretrial procedures.

Read more: New US Suit Claims Apple, Amazon Colluded To Raise Prices

Amazon is currently dealing with legal issues related to their online pricing practices, which includes a lawsuit from residents who have bought iPhones and iPads on Amazon since January of 2019.

According to the plaintiffs, an agreement between Apple and Amazon has resulted in a limited number of competitive resellers, which violates antitrust laws. The plaintiffs’ lawyer, Stever Berman, described the recent court ruling as a significant victory for consumers of Apple phones and iPads.