Antitrust Chronicle® – State Attorneys General

Dear Readers,

CPI is pleased to present our second Antitrust Chronicle® for August 2019 focusing on recent developments from state attorneys general. We kick things off in this edition with a CPI Talks… interview with Sarah Oxenham Allen, Chair of the National Association of Attorneys General Antitrust Taskforce and Senior Assistant Attorney General and Antitrust Unit Manager at Office of the Virginia Attorney General.

States have made significant impacts on the overall direction of the antitrust laws across the United States. Antitrust enforcement at the state level is very active and presents a rich subject matter covering a variety of topics. We hope to make this state attorneys general edition of the CPI Antitrust Chronicle® an annual edition.

Topics covered in this edition include parens patriae standing of attorneys general, hybrid welfare standards, and healthcare markets among others.

Lastly, please take the opportunity to visit the CPI website and listen to our selection of Chronicle articles in audio form from such esteemed authors as Maureen Ohlhausen, Herbert Hovenkamp, Richard Gilbert, Nicholas Banasevic, Randal Picker, Giorgio Monti, Alison Jones, and William Kovacic among others. This is a convenient way for our readers to keep up with our recent and past articles on the go, in the gym, or at the beach.

As always, thank you to our great panel of authors.


CPI Team