Antitrust and the Political Center

Alfonso Lamadrid, Jan 29, 2013

Economic policies have traditionally been characterized or labeled pursuant to the simplistic, and hence popular, summa divisio between right and left. Discussions about the economy in many nations worldwide continue to be greatly influenced by dogmatic principles disconnected from objective analyses. Left wing political actors generally tend to favor all-left approaches, and right wing political actors favor all-right stances; both have a tendency to negate that there may also be merit in opposing views. Still today, economic discussions more resemble religion classes than technical and objective debate over a technical subject of the maximum importance.

This piece posits that the recent expansion of antitrust and its incorporation as one of the core elements of economic regulation worldwide may contribute to infusing some sensible centrist logic into the regulation of markets, particularly in emerging economies. This was the thought manifested in a recent blog entry in Chillin´Competition that CPI has asked me to develop. This is no easy task, for it is difficult to argue what may not be more than an exercise of wishful thinking in progress, even more so when sensitive political ideologies are at issue. That is why these pages aim neither at persuading nor providing an objective account of reality; their only aim is to throw some raw ideas out there with the hope that they will eventually be refined through discussion.

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