American Needle: Audio, Articles and More

From the Blogosphere:Blog Logo

Here are some of our favorite blog entries about American Needle:

The SCOTUS Blog compares the case to a famous Greek myth:
Analysis: No antittrust “Trojan Horse”

One of the more interesting issues the case brings up is its relevance to payment cards:
Football Decision Jeopardizes Bankcard Interchange

The University of Chicago Law School wins for best blog title:
Supreme Court Blitzes NFL in American Needle

And we couldn’t resist this huddle of the NFL, the Supreme Court, and Ayn Rand:
American Needle and the damage done



Filling In the Case Story:  Blog Logo

Prior to the decision, we published several article on the American Needle—these articles will fill in any gaps in the testimony:

Antitrust Chronicle (March 2010)

Joint Ventures and the Sherman Act: The Problem Revealed by American Needle and How Best to Address It

Competing Single-Entity Tests in American Needle v. NFL and Their Implications for Sports Leagues and Other Joint Ventures

When Does a Joint Venture Act as a Single Economic Entity?

Antitrust Chronicle (May 2009)

The Single Entity Battle Continues: American Needle and the Seventh Circuit’s Hybrid Approach

Are Professional Sports Leagues Single Entities Incapable of Conspiring in Violation of the Sherman Act?

The Single-Entity Defense, Market Definition, and the Rule of Reason from Dallas Cowboys to American Needle and Beyond

In Australia, Courts can direct expert witnesses to write out issues on which they agree—and on which they don’t. The Court can also instruct all experts to concurrently give evidence in court, under oath, in a process called a “hot tub.” We’ve adapted that concept with our CPI Hot Tubs-designed to give the antitrust community, in one place, the information needed to understand recent events.

CPI Hot >Tub Audio Conference:

Did the Supreme Court snatch victory away from the NFL when the NFL (foolishly?) agreed with American Needle’s petition for certiori?  David Evans moderates as three of the leading thinkers in Antitrust: Herb Hovenkamp, Randy Picker, and Steve Bomse debate that question as well as the overall significance of the Supreme Court’s 9-0 decision. Listen and enjoy:


Read the Decision:

Supreme Court Building

Find a copy of the actual decision here.

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