AI Is Transforming How Business Is Done: What about Government?

By: Daniel Araya (Center for International Governance Innovation)

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance and surpass human capabilities in various industries, it is also anticipated to enhance human labor. McKinsey, a consulting firm, has identified around 400 use cases across 19 industries, representing a value of $6 trillion, where AI will revolutionize the nature of work. However, when it comes to government applications, the use of AI has been lagging behind that of the private sector, as stated in a recent paper by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Fortunately, this situation is poised to change.

In the United States, AI-driven investments are already being implemented in areas such as customer service, infrastructure planning, legal adjudication, citizen response systems, regulatory technology (regtech), cybersecurity, fraud detection, and national security. Estonia, on the other hand, is actively developing AI components that form the foundation of its open-source government services through the “AI Govstack” platform. Furthermore, governments in over 60 countries worldwide are currently formulating national AI strategies, with most of them focusing on transforming the public sector…