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ACCC Chair Appointed To ICN Role

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Chair Rod Sims has been confirmed by the steering group of the International Competition Network (ICN) as the new Vice Chair Digital Co-ordination and Asia-Pacific Liaison.

Mr Sims’ role was confirmed at an ICN meeting on Wednesday night, September 15. He will focus on coordinating ICN projects and discussions about competition in the digital economy and will also act as a liaison between the ICN Steering Group and ICN members in the Asia-Pacific region.

“I am very pleased to take on this role. Competition regulators are increasingly dealing with global issues that require global responses, underscoring the importance of the ICN’s work,” Mr Sims said.

“Competition authorities around the world have much to discuss and learn from each other as we continue to face the challenges posed by the need to promote competition and good consumer outcomes in many areas of the digital economy.”

Mr Sims will work closely with ICN Chair Andreas Mundt, the President of the German Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt), together with the ICN’s other Vice Chair, Tembinkosi Bonakele, Commissioner of the South African Competition Commission.

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