A Clear Vision for the ICN’s Second Decade

Sophie Mitchell, Jul 14, 2011

The tenth annual conference of the International Competition Network (“ICN”) held in The Hague, The Netherlands, in May 2011, marked an important milestone in the ICN’s development. It provided an opportunity to celebrate the ICN’s success in its first decade and to consider the network’s goals and future priorities. It also ushered in an era of greater inclusiveness and diversity in the ICN’s working methods and a shift to a longer-term strategic approach to the network’s work planning.

This contribution looks at why the ICN matters to competition agencies, businesses, consumers, and other participants in the international competition community. It looks ahead to the ICN’s second decade, with a revised mission and set of high-level goals to guide the ICN’s future work. It also focuses on the ICN’s work in the area of competition advocacy and market studies, while other contributions in this issue of the CPI Antitrust Chronicle focus on the ICN’s work in the areas of cartels, mergers, and unilateral conduct.