Dear Readers,

The September 2019 CPI Antitrust Chronicle® addresses issues related to the sixth annual LeadershIP Conference, which took place in Washington D.C. on March 26, 2019. The conference covered issued related to: (1) The impact of 5G; (2) The IP Policy Landscape: US and The World; (3) IP and Antitrust: Global Agency Dynamics; and (4) International Antitrust: What Rules and Whose Standards?

The panelists at the conference came from the private and public sectors: regulators, academics, and private practitioners. We are pleased to have articles from speakers at the LeadershIP conference from all of the panels as well as other leading voices in the field.

Additionally, we are very pleased to open this month’s Chronicle with a CPI Talks interview with Makan Delrahim, Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust at the U.S. Department of Justice.

Lastly, please take the opportunity to visit the CPI website and listen to our selection of Chronicle articles in audio form from such esteemed authors as Maureen Ohlhausen, Herbert Hovenkamp, Richard Gilbert, Nicholas Banasevic, Randal Picker, Giorgio Monti, Alison Jones, and William Kovacic among others. This is a convenient way for our readers to keep up with our recent and past articles on the go, in the gym, or at the beach.

As always, thank you to our great panel of authors.


CPI Team