Conversations with Jon Leibowitz and Joaquin Almunia

Joaquin Almunia, David Evans, Jon Leibowitz, May 19, 2011

Competition policy has grown explosively in the last quarter century. There are more than 100 countries with competition authorities and many of these authorities are becoming more active, influential, and professional. They are also talking with each other on a regular basis through many formal and informal channels. The managers of these authorities are assuming increasing responsibilities and wearing many hats-not only as regulators but also as advocates of markets. Beginning with this issue, Competition Policy International, in its publications and online, will be showcasing competition authorities through articles, interviews, and other formats.

To begin, we present interviews, conducted in Spring, 2011, with two of the world’s most influential antitrust regulators, FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz and European Commission Vice President Joaquín Almunia.