US: Seattle’s Ride-Hail Union Law saga continues

According to a report by Bloomberg, Seattle couldn’t convince the full panel of the Ninth Circuit to reconsider its bid to throw out an antitrust challenge to a city ordinance that lets ride-hail drivers join unions.

The case will now proceed before Judge Robert Lasnik in the US District Court for the Western District of Washington.

The US Chamber of Commerce and an Uber Technologies subsidiary argued that allowing drivers to bargain collectively over their pay would be tantamount to colluding on prices.

Originally in May they won a ruling from a three-judge panel that revived their antitrust challenge to the city ordinance. But the three-judge panel did affirm dismissal of their claim that federal labor law should pre-empt Seattle’s local regulation.

Seattle sought review from the full appeals court in the hope it would dismiss the antitrust claim as well, but no Ninth Circuit judges voted in favor of review, according to a court order issued September 14.

Full Content: BN Americas

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