EU: France and Germany publish joint paper on data and its implications for Competition Law

Two of Europe’s biggest antitrust enforcers have joined together to launch a project looking into algorithms and their “potential” anticompetitive effects.
The increasing use of algorithms by companies is an issue of considerable debate as regards their effects on the competitive functioning of markets and to a wider extent on society. In light of this debate, the Bundeskartellamt and the Autorité de la concurrence have decided to launch a joint project.

During the coming months, the authorities are going to deal with these issues, developing a typology of algorithms and studying their potential anti-competitive effects. They will also assess algorithms’ detection and examination.

Read the joint paper here ” Report Competition Law and Data-“

This joint work is a prime example of close cooperation between two major national competition authorities in a field of growing interest for firms, authorities and citizens alike. It also provides some food for thought in the context of the ongoing policy debate on the so-called digital platforms’ economic role.

Full Content: Bundeskartellamt

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