EU: Brussels questions purchase of Air Berlin by Lufthansa

The European Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager, has stated assurances that the EU Executive is analyzing “very thoroughly” the acquisition of Air Berlin by Lufthansa, having detected “very serious” overlaps in the markets of both companies.

“In the merger of Lufthansa and Air Berlin we are investigating the markets very thoroughly because we see very serious overlaps. If you look inside Germany, there is a risk of a very strong limitation of competition on a number of routes and that, of course, implies a risk, “said the Danish commissioner during an appearance in the Committee of Economic Affairs of the Eurochamber.

For Vestager, the purchase as it has been proposed could lead to a rise in prices of air travel on the routes offered and offered by both companies.

“We can see immediately that there is a reaction in the market when some routes are no longer offered and some planes are on the ground,” she explained.

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