US: Qualcomm loses bid to squash FTC antitrust lawsuit

A US federal judge ruled against Qualcomm’s motion to dismiss an antitrust lawsuit filed by the FTC, the Wall Street Journal reported late Monday. The suit alleges that Qualcomm used its power and position in the industry to extract high royalties from phone manufacturers and to weaken rivals. Qualcomm argued that the suit didn’t have merit and that the agency’s claim lacked evidence.

The ruling, while expected, means the case will proceed. It marks the latest legal tie-up for Qualcomm, which is already facing a separate legal battle with Apple, a US$850 million fine from South Korean competition regulators and a fine of almost US$1 billion in China. Qualcomm said it will continue to fight the FTC suit.

“We look forward to further proceedings in which we will be able to develop a more accurate factual record and the FTC will have the burden to prove its claims which we continue to believe are without merit,” Don Rosenberg, Qualcomm’s general counsel, said in an emailed statement.

Full Content: Wall Street Journal

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