Poland: Regulator puts pressure on telcos

The Polish Office of Competition and Consumer Protection has provided a detailed account of a recent case involving Vectra, the country’s second largest cable operator.

Vectra used the slogan “You can have it all for 10 zlotys” to advertise its offer. However, the offer only applied for a limited period, after which customers had to pay a much higher fee.

The offer was part of an ad campaign that ran from September to December 2015, immediately after which the UOKiK launched an investigation during which Vectra voluntarily undertook to compensate all its former and current subscribers who took up the offer.

In a related development, Marek Niechcial, the president of UOKiK, has told Wirtualne Mediathat UOKiK intends to clamp down on telcos breaking the law by increasingly imposing heavy fines.

Full Content: Broadcasting TV News

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