
In this issue:

Not the Usual Suspects: Global Antitrust Voices

Jun 13, 2009

Judicial Decision in Argentina Tackles the Interplay between Enforcing Patent Rights and Antitrust Law within the Dispute between Monsanto and the Argentine Government on the “GM soy-seed RR”

The conjunction between intellectual property rights and antitrust law has recently become a very important issue worldwide and Latin America is not an exception. Therefore, the relevance of this case, which is the first judicial decision on the topic in Argentina, cannot be overrated.

Jun 13, 2009

Recent Developments in Brazilian Merger Control: The Case of Private Equity Funds

As a result, Brazilian Competition authorities are being challenged with legal and economic questions regarding the analysis of potential anticompetitive effects arising out of transactions involving such funds…

Jasminka Pecotic Kaufman, Jun 13, 2009

Fight Against Cartels in Croatia: More than a Decade of Enforcement Practice

Under the current Croatian competition regime there is no leniency program. However, the possibility of a more lenient treatment of undertakings is extensively used by the Croatian misdemeanor courts when deciding on a fine on the basis of the Competition Agency infringement decision

Rainer Lindberg, Jun 13, 2009

Boosting the Crisis Economy – Competition as an Ally

This article argues that competition especially should be seen as an ally for the current macroeconomic stimulus tools.

Lia Vitzilaiou, George Zohios, Jun 13, 2009

EC Competition Law vs. Greek Competition Law: Conscious Parallelism or Unconscious Competition?

The current legal regime in Greece indeed presents quite many discrepancies with the EC legislation; the main ones are stated below.

Jun 13, 2009

Facilitating Practices in the Israeli Retail Banking Sector

Onn April 26th 2009, the Director General of the Israel Antitrust Authority exercised her authority under § 43(a)(1) of the Restrictive Trade Practices Law (Antitrust Law), and determined that information exchanges among Israel’s five largest banks constituted a restrictive arrangement. In particular, it was established that these practices harmed competition in the market for the provision of retail banking services to households and small businesses in Israel. This short article outlines several key findings and analyses underlying the determination.

Daniel Becker, Jun 15, 2009

The Luxembourg Competition Law

At that time, Luxembourg was the sole European country where modern competition law, as such, did not exist. The former Act on Restrictive Business Practices had to be modernized…The Luxembourg competition law was adopted on May 17, 2004.

Jun 12, 2009

Recent Developments in the Enforcement of Turkish Competition Law: Fines and Leniency Regulation

This article describes the beginning of a new era in the enforcement of Turkish Competition Law as more rigorous fines for infringements and a generous leniency program replaced the older system.

Demet Kaya, Jun 13, 2009

A Current Highlight on Merger Remedies in Turkish Competition Law: Vatan Daily Case

One of the outstanding changes in Turkish merger control regime proposed by this draft law could realize regulating conditional approval on commitment and other relevant remedies on a primary legislation level.