Ireland: Competition watchdog to investigate sale of tickets for live events

The main seller of tickets for gigs and other live events in the State is facing an investigation by the competition watchdog.

The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission said on Thursday that it has begun investigating “suspected breaches of competition law in the provision of tickets and the operation of ticketing services for live events”.

It is understood that the investigation involves the main provider of tickets for live events in the Republic as well as the big promoters.

The commission, chaired by Isolde Goggin, said it will focus on potentially anti-competitive conduct by those involved in providing tickets and ticketing services, promoters and venues.

“As part of the investigation, the CCPC has issued witness summonses and formal requirements for information to a number of parties involved in the sector,” the commission said in a statement.

It invited parties in the sector with information that they feel is relevant to contact the commission.

Full Content: Irish Times

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