
To begin 2013, we’ve decided to be psychic. In a two-part series a dozen writers have offered to gaze into their crystal balls – at the United States, Europe, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Brazil, and India – and tell us what lies ahead. There are a number of commonalities in these active competition communities, including significant judicial actions, politics and regime changes, and the continuous tension between free and “controlled” markets—as well as unique factors. And while there are no penalties for being wrong, there may be some for those who scoff at these messages as just ghostly nonsense.

The Antitrust Crystal Ball – Part 1

Kent Bernard, Jan 15, 2013

U.S. Antitrust Enforcement in 2013: Where Are We Going, and Why?

Bigness is suspect again, but in some new and different ways than it was in the past. Kent Bernard (Fordham Law)

William Michael, Aidan Synnott, Jan 15, 2013

2013 Antitrust Developments: United States

Identifying some of the pending cases that have the greatest potential to change antitrust law as well as possible changes in regulatory enforcement. Aidan Synnott & William Michael (Paul, Weiss)

Ruchit Patel, Jan 15, 2013

2013: The Wind of Change?

2013 has the potential to be a year of significant change for European antitrust law. Ruchit Patel (Cleary Gottlieb)

Julie Clarke, Jan 15, 2013

Fortune Telling: Australian Competition Law in 2013

It is an election year in Australia and, if history is any guide, this will generate some populist political promises, frequently at odds with sound competition policy. Julie Clarke (Deakin Univ. Law)

Mark Katz, Jan 15, 2013

Canadian Competition Law Looking Ahead to 2013

Mr. Pecman certainly banged the enforcement drum in his first speech as Interim Commissioner in October 2012. Mark Katz (Davies Ward)

Tanya Haskins, Heather Irvine, Jan 15, 2013

2013 A Glimpse Into the Future of South African Competition Enforcement

2013 may also ring in the first ever class action case in South Africa. Heather Irvine & Tanya Haskins (Norton Rose)