Pharmaceuticals Sector Inquiry: The European Commission Presents Its Preliminary Findings

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Elena Kamilarova, Dominik Schnichels, Feb 24, 2009

On November 28, 2008 the European Commission published its preliminary findings on the inquiry into the pharmaceutical sector in the European Union. The preliminary report shows that originator companies engage in practices that can contribute to a delay of generic entry. The report also found that originator companies use patent strategies aimed at blocking or delaying the development of novel medicines by competitors…. The Commission is now working on its final report which will take into account the comments received during the public consultation, which ended on January 31, 2009. The final report is expected in summer 2009. As a follow-up action, the Commission and/or national competition authorities may launch investigations to enforce the competition rules in the pharmaceutical sector. The Commission may also consider making recommendations to improve the regulatory framework.