Portugal Moves To Ban Chinese Suppliers From 5G

The CSSC of Portugal has passed a resolution that may prohibit telecom operators from utilizing Chinese equipment in their 5G mobile networks as well as the 4G platforms that support the new technology.

According to Reuters, the CSSC, which serves as the prime minister’s advisory body, released a document on May 23 that poses a challenge to Huawei’s attempts to expand its presence in the 5G market in Portugal and potentially renew current contracts.

Read more: Germany Considers Banning China’s Huawei, ZTE From 5G Network

As per a law passed in August, the government has the authority to establish conditions and deadlines for telecom companies to adhere to, including the exclusion, restrictions on use, or cessation of use of equipment or services.

Altice, NOS, and Vodafone, the main operators in the country, have announced that they will not utilize Huawei’s equipment in 5G core networks. This decision comes amidst concerns from Europe and the U.S. regarding Chinese involvement in critical infrastructure and potential security risks. However, Beijing and Huawei deny these allegations.