Appeals Court Rules FIFA, US Soccer Must Face Antitrust Suit

A US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday reinstated an antitrust lawsuit against FIFA and US Soccer Federation, claiming unlawful prohibition on foreign clubs and leagues from organizing official matches in the US.

The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Tuesday reinstated an antitrust lawsuit against FIFA and US Soccer Federation, claiming unlawful prohibition on foreign clubs and leagues from organizing official matches in the US.

Read more: Soccer Promoter Asks Judge To Revive FIFA Antitrust Suit

“Adoption of the policy, combined with the member leagues’ prior agreement, by joining FIFA, to adhere to its policies, constitutes an agreement on the part of all–whether they voted in favor of the policy or not–to adhere to the announced restriction on competition,” Circuit Judge Raymond Lohier wrote.

The 3-0 decision raises the prospect that US stadiums could eventually host regular season matches between foreign teams, which could compete for fans and sponsors now supporting FIFA-affiliated Major League Soccer.