Remy: Regulate (FTX Parody)

By: Remy (ReasonTV)

“Mortgaged his house, researched the rate
Checked out the CEO, nothing seemed out of place
But when he checked one morning, the value was gone
We should make fraud illegal, this is all just wrong!”…

A Short Message from CPI:

Competition Policy International launched its TechREG newsletters, (including this new Blog o’ Blogs) and social media groups in late 2021, as we recognized the growing importance of technology regulation and legislation efforts worldwide.

Now, one year later, we are pleased and proud to be part of the conversation and to be putting our efforts into stimulating the discussions, research and multi-disciplinary cooperation that will help shape our global digital economy in the decades to come.

It is in this spirit of celebration that we would like to share with our audience a few laughs, cleverly wrapped around surprisingly insightful commentary. The future of technology regulation and antitrust in the digital economy may not be all “fun and games”, but fun and games should always have their place!


And so, thank you to all who have shared and collaborated with us in this journey, which is only getting started.

Happy holidays to all!

CPI Team