Teaching Antitrust Effectively

In this issue:

It’s graduation season, so with the help of guest editor Spencer Weber Waller, we’re taking a look at the state of antitrust law education. There are numerous challenges: Should global economics be considered? What about the proliferation of global competition regimes? How to deal with ever more complex judicial decisions? Should antitrust education go online? Or embrace newer techniques like simulations? We’ve asked six highly experienced educators to look at what works in the classroom. And congratulations to all the new graduates—may you find passion and challenge in your chosen fields.


Teaching Antitrust Effectively

Spencer Weber Waller, Jun 12, 2015

Teaching Merger Law Through In-Class Simulations

I am convinced that there are effective ways to introduce more simulations, role playing, active learning, and a greater air of reality to teaching antitrust law. Spencer Weber Waller (Loyola University Chicago School of Law)

Steven Cernak, Jun 12, 2015

Antitrust Courses Can Teach Valuable Practical Skills—If Taught Well

Beyond necessary legal skills, many of my students can use an antitrust course to learn needed lessons about how the economy and businesses function. Steven J. Cernak (Schiff Hardin LLP)

Andrew Gavil, Jun 12, 2015

Then and Now: Teaching Antitrust for a New Generation of Law and Lawyers

But the challenge for teaching antitrust is not just the volume of newer cases, but also their analytical content and the evolving role of the antitrust lawyer. Andrew I. Gavil (Howard University School of Law)

Max Huffman, Jun 12, 2015

Teaching Antitrust Online

My single most successful innovation in recruiting students and teaching antitrust has been to move one class, and particular lessons from another, out of the classroom and online. Max Huffman (Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law)

Philip Marsden, Jun 12, 2015

Teaching Antitrust in Bruges

It is better that the students realize early on how fact-specific antitrust law is, how important (and even determinative) economic analysis is, and how underneath the case law are small “p”—political or philosophical—approaches to the respective roles of markets and government intervention. Philip Marsden (College of Europe, Bruges & U.K. CMA)

Paul Nihoul, Jun 12, 2015

Antitrust Educators Should Teach Cultural Differences in the Global Economy

Should students be aware of subtle cultural distinctions, if the purpose is to teach them how to exercise their legal profession and, ultimately, as some would reckon, make money? My answer is that cultural differences matter to legal education—they matter a lot. Paul Nihoul (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)