Peru: Competition taking root in markets, says regulator

“The Policies of State that have been implemented by our current government must be maintained and reinforced, as they have been effective in promoting economic development and social integration.” So read the statement by Mr. Hebert Tassano, president of Peru’s National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Intellectual Property (INDECOPI).

The recently revamped agency has, over the last administration, proposed a series of reforms which have resulted in the establishment within the country’s legislation of important principles, such as free competition, the dismantling of bureaucratic barriers and rules on auction design, among others.

“We have also moved forward in terms of empowering consumers, using IT tools. Likewise, we pushed a number of informative and educational campaigns. All of this, in addition to our work promoting intellectual property and public-private partnerships.”

Source: Entorno Inteligente

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