Mexico: Senate fills Supreme Court vacancies

Mexico’s senate voted this Thursday to designate Judge Norma Lucía Piña Hernandez as the new Minister for the country’s Supreme Court. Judge. Piña Hernandez will fill the vacancy left after the retirement last November of long-serving minister Olga Sanchez Cordero. Judge Piña was ratified with a qualified majority of 79 votes in her favor.

Judge Piña Hernandez holds a PhD in Law from Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM), specializing in Constitutional, Administrative and Criminal Law. Ms. Piña, a certified Circuit Judge since 2000, was immediately sworn into her post by the Senate, a position she will hold for 15 years. 111 senators cast their votes, with 20 members of the left-wing PRD moving to reject all three candidates.

The Senate next proceeded to fill the vacancy left by Minister Juan Silva Meza’s retirement, voting for Mr. Javier Laynez Potisek, a former Federal Fiscal Prosecutor and legal scholar from the University of Paris, to fill this role. Mr. Laynez was resoundingly approved with 81 votes in favor.

Full content: El Financiero

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