
In this issue:

Antitrust Damages


Antonio Caruso, Ewoud Sakkers, Nov 30, 2008

Liability for Aiding and Abetting in EU Competition Cases: the Court of First Instance Confirms…

Issuing prohibition decisions against those who assist in setting up, supporting, or sustaining cartel activity indicates that the European Commission has intensified its strategic fight against cartels, a trend which has become increasingly evident over the past decade.

Nathaniel Asker, Joseph Larson, Nov 30, 2008

Charming Shoppes and the Issue of Standing under Section 8

The issue of antitrust injury in Section 8 warrants deeper judicial review from both a technical legal as well as a policy perspective because there are strong arguments on both sides of the issue.

Scott Martin, Nov 26, 2008

Antitrust Injury in Robinson-Patman Cases: What’s Left?

The Court’s latest foray into the RPA is one from which RPA defendants might justifiably draw comfort when arguing that antitrust injury is absent in a price discrimination lawsuit.

Aidan Synnott, Nov 29, 2008

From Walker Process to In re DDAVP: Should Direct Purchasers Have Antitrust Standing in Walker Process Claims?

In In re: DDAVP Direct Purchaser Antitrust Litigation, decided in 2006, the district court held that direct purchasers of a product from a monopolist which secured its monopoly by fraud on the Patent Office do not have standing to bring a Walker Process claim.

Alberto Martinazzi, Mario Todino, Nov 29, 2008

Damages Actions against the EU Institutions Following the CFI’s Judgment in My Travel v. Commission

What scope remains then for damages actions brought against the Commission in merger control cases?

Stephen Wisking, Nov 29, 2008

No Restitutionary Remedy for the Victims of the Vitamins Cartel: The Decision of the English Court of Appeal in Devenish Nutrition Ltd v Sanofi-Aventis SA (France)

Claimants in antitrust cases in the English Courts should not expect special treatment.

Recent EU Cases