JAN-10(1)-Twelve of the Best from 2009

In this issue:

Welcome to the home page of The CPI Antitrust Chronicle (formerly GCP Magazine).  We introduce our new name and our new website by looking back. We’re presenting twelve articles that remind us of the critical issues that competition policy faced in 2009—and we’ll likely continue to face in 2010.

Twelve Antitrust Stories from 2009

Aaron Panner, Apr 15, 2009

Are Price Squeezes Anticompetitive?

Much more controversial is whether such conduct [price squeezes” should be subject to scrutiny under the antitrust laws.

Fei Deng, Adrian Emch, Gregory Leonard, Apr 30, 2009

A Hard Landing in the Soft Drink Market – MOFCOM´s Veto of the Coca-Cola & Huiyuan Deal

We will examine several interesting aspects of MOFCOM’s decision o block the proposed takeover by The Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola) of China Huiyuan Juice Group Limited (Huiyuan).

David Evans, May 13, 2009

The New Consensus on Class Certification: What it Means for the Use of Economic and Statistical Evidence in Meeting the Requirements of Rule 23

This note summarizes the consensus that is emerging and describes the sorts of analyses that will prove critical in seeking or opposing the certification of a particular class.

Gregory Pelnar, May 27, 2009

Section 1 Challenges to the Properties Arms of Sports Leagues: The Single-Entity Defense, Market Definition, and the Rule of Reason from Dallas Cowboys to American Needle and Beyond

This article discusses Section 1 challenges to the centralized exclusive licensing of league and franchise intellectual property, tests for identifying a single entity, and the rule of reason analysis of MLB Properties in Salvino.

Jul 13, 2009

Single Firm Competition Policy Convergence In A Global Environment

As I will explain, work on SFC by leading scholars and agencies world-wide has greatly enhanced understanding of SFC practices in recent years

Richard Epstein, Jul 30, 2009

Twombly, After Two Years: The Procedural Revolution in Antitrust That Wasn’t

Without question, Bell Atlantic v. Twombly ranks as one of the most controversial decisions of the United States Supreme Court in recent years.

Kent Bernard, Aug 13, 2009

Some Thoughts on Article 82 Jurisprudence”If the Government Always Wins, Should Private Litigants Win As Well?

Is the EU moving towards or far away from a European solution to private antitrust litigation?

Benjamin Bradshaw, Bimal Patel, Sep 15, 2009

Final Descent? The Future of Antitrust Immunity in International Aviation

The A++ agreement not only elevated the serious disagreements between DOJ and DOT on whether, and in what circumstances, air carriers should be immune from the antitrust laws, but it saw the rise of significant Congressional opposition to the mere concept of antitrust immunity.

William Michael, Aidan Synnott, Sep 24, 2009

Antitrust and Intellectual Property: Recent Developments in the Pharmaceuticals Sector

The practical effect of the agencies’ stated commitment to heightened enforcement in the pharmaceutical sector, therefore, may be limited by their ability to articulate theories of anticompetitive harm that the federal courts deem viable.

Juan Briones, Juan Briones, Oct 08, 2009

From Collective Dominance to Coordinated Effects in EU Competition Policy

Is an oligopoly in a collective dominant position? The decision in the Airtours/ First Choice case vastly extended the boundaries of the situations under which the Commission found this may be the case.

James Bourke, Nov 12, 2009

Parental Liability for Cartel Infringements

The imputation of liability to parent companies is an important means of ensuring that the economic forces behind cartel infringements are properly held accountable for their actions (and omissions).

Karl Hofstetter, Nov 25, 2009

EU Cartel Fining Laws and Policies in Urgent Need of Reform

As long as milk and honey are flowing in the form of huge corporate cartel fines, the EU enforcement cadres, it seems, remain happy with the status quo.